Cattle dog working while men are riding horses in the background

Savings & Money Market

Our savings and money market accounts are designed to help you meet your financial goals at every step of your savings journey. Find out which account would fit your needs best using the table below:
Accounts Minimum deposit Fees Account Features
Savings Account $50
$6.25 charge each month if balance drops below $50
$1.25 fee for each withdrawal after 6
6 free withdrawals per month
Money Market Checking Account $2,500 $9.00 minimum balance fee if balance drops below $2,500 on any day during statement cycle
Up to 6 transfers in a 4-week period
Maintain $2,500 minimum balance each day in the statement cycle to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield
Minor's "Race to Save" Account Minimum $25 to open A $ 1.25 fee will be imposed for each withdrawal after six (6) per month. N/A

Man paying for something with a card on his smart phone while his dog sits next to him on the couch

Credit cards, for everyday purchases.

The more you use your card, the faster you collect rewards.