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Covid-19 Bank Precautions Image

Covid-19 Bank Precautions

To put it bluntly, things are not normal out there. Lives will continue to change in the near term but life also must go on, and in our daily lives we are both customers and representatives of a business in some manner. During this difficult time in our roles as customers and companies, we must work together to get through it–and that includes how we interact in the realm of customer service.  Please be patient and understanding in any changes we make.  You are important to us and we care about you but we also care about the safety of every employee that works here at our bank. 

If you would, we are asking the following of you before you enter the bank lobby:

  Please exercise Social Distancing of Six (6) feet of spacing between customers and bank personnel.

  If you are sick (running a fever or have flu-like symptoms), please use our drive-thru.

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